Our Mission: Impacting women leaders in ministry to remain
"Purpose-focused" and void of distractions that shift their destiny.
I'm Lisa Arnett, founder of Lady A. Consulting.
I've always loved helping other and organizing everything I could in my life. My passion in life is organizing small facets of people's day that may complete their God given assignment.
I believe that we can have EVERYTHING, but there there is a strategy and there are steps that we can all follow for success. Step one starts with you.
Are you tired of saying to yourself and others: How do I conquer this barrier that stands between me and my goals?
What is the dream that you are not pursuing because of this barrier?
I can teach you how to plan to focus past these obstacles on what really matters - yourself.
As a woman in leadership, why aren’t you able to maintain that which you have obtained in your business, in your relationships, etc.?
I can teach you how to strategize, organize and achieve whether in your home or in the office of your fortune 500 company---you can be a woman of Purposed Excellence.